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Noch keine Bewertungen. Sei der Erste – starte eine Privat-Show!
Hey! Welcome to my play zone! My name is Kate! I enjoy the beach, surfing, shopping, and riding my Harley and ZX6R! Get to know me more by taking me private!
Common questions about me:
Are my boobs real? No, i got my boobs done!
What size are my boobs? 32DDD
How old am i? I am 30!
How tall am i? 5’4
Where do i live? West Coast!
What do i like to do for fun? I like to surf, swim, shop, and play!
Am i married? YES! Very happily married! He knows what i do and supports me in everything i do! <3
What’s your sign? I’m a Virgo!
Where else can i find you? Click the picture above!
Make sure you follow me on all of my socials to say up to date with my streaming schedule and day to day activities! As well as all of my sexiest unseen content ;)
I need to be spoiled!!! If you buy any toy off of my wishlist you will receive a video of me using the toy you purchased for me in return! Come on and spoil me daddy! :)
My fan club is a special place for all my wonderful fans where I post exclusive content just for them. Subscribe to see what no one else gets to see! If you join as a Lord or Prince you get to spy on ALL of my private shows for free and we can chat back and forth on messenger! Want to talk to me when I’m not online? Join my fan club as a Prince and my personal Snapchat is included!
What’s included when you purchase my Snapchat?! You get access to my naughty premium Snapchat! You will have the option to message back and forth, you will receive random pictures of me throughout the day, some naked, some clothed! You can send anything you would like! If you screenshot or save any images you will be removed from my snap! I do not do any video or phone calls on snap, so if you continue to call me, you will be removed.
Send me gifts using my wish list!
Want to spoil me when I’m not online? Click this link to send me gifts! You’ll get a gift from me in return ;)
Today i would like to recognize Jay as my most loyal and largest tipper. He has set the bar high and spoils me when I need it the most. Thank you for your continued friendship, loyalty, and support! You always know how to put a smile on my face! I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know!!
What happens when you tip 1234tk using the tip menu? You become my daddy for the day! You will receive my Snapchat, message capabilities, your name in my topic line as my daddy, and i will refer to you as daddy for the whole day! Want special treatment? Bring my daddy of the day is the way to do it!
My knights hold a very special place in my heart! I hold them at a high level of respect and i expect the same in return! My knights also receive half off of the videos on my profile! Want to by my knight? Here’s how! I need a knight that is consistent, shows up to as many of my shows as possible and helps reach goals and keeps the show going. Lastly and most importantly, I expect loyalty and honesty! *I have the right to add and remove anyone from my knights list at anytime with or without warning*
The content in this profile is the sole property of _Rapunzel_ and copyright protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It is illegal to copy, screen record or duplicate any of the content for any purpose. Screen recording, copying or redistribution of this content for any purpose without express written consent is theft. This profile and it’s content is monitored by DMCA.com. Violators will be investigated and prosecuted!